Eversheds Sutherland Cybersecurity and Privacy Insights Blog
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Are you ready for the next generation of cyberattack?

Of all the attention the recent Helsinki summit generated, one aspect has garnered virtually no coverage, but it has the ability to shake America and its companies to the core – the threat of data manipulation. Read this article to learn about the next generation of cyberattack, including: How hackers will manipulate, doctor and fake data to disrupt businesses and governments, if not...

The High Stakes, High Seas Cyber Peril

Those who work in shipping are accustomed to the perils of the high seas, whether from storms, pirates, floods or fires. But now, a new danger is lurking—the possibility of a cyberattack. Despite the growing prevalence and severity of cyberattacks across industries, the shipping industry as a whole has been slow to react, and many are less than optimally prepared. When it comes to...

The Cyber Shot Across the Bow: Data Manipulation and GPS Spoofing

In September 2015, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper warned that the next “push of the envelope” in cybersecurity might be attacks that change or manipulate electronic information in order to compromise its accuracy or reliability. Two years later, we may now be seeing the very beginning of such insidious attacks in the form of GPS spoofing—a technique that sends...

New OCIMF Pre-Fixture Tanker Vetting Cyber Requirement

While the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has given ship owners and managers until 2021 to incorporate cyber risk into ships’ safety management systems, tanker owners and operators that are subject to vetting under the Oil Companies International Marine Forum’s (OCIMF) Ship Inspection Report Program (SIRE) Program will be expected to address cybersecurity risks in their...

Legislative Efforts in the Wake of Maritime Cyberattacks

In June, the maritime industry experienced what many consider a particularly insidious form of cyberattack known as GPS Spoofing, where global positioning system data is subtly manipulated to the point of grave inaccuracy. According to the US Maritime Administration, at least 20 ships in the Black Sea were affected. While at sea, these ships erroneously reported positions at an airport...

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